2nd Edition Global Governance International Organization Reader 3,5/5 1079votes

Friedrich Kratochwil and Edward D. Mansfield, “Regimes, Institutions, and Governance in the International System: An Introduction.” 1: The Presumption of Anarchy. Helen Milner. The assumption of anarchy in international relations theory: a critique. Review of International Studies, 17: 67-85. Alexander Wendt. Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics.

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2nd Edition Global Governance International Organization Reader

Creative Sound Blaster Sb0570 Driver Windows 8. American Political Science Review, 79: 923-942. Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie. International organization: a state of the art on the art of the state. International Organization, 40: 753-775. 2: International Institutions and the Practice of Cooperation.

International institutions: two approaches. International Studies Quarterly, 32: 379-396.

Structural causes and regime consequences: regimes as intervening variables. International Organization, 36: 1-21. Why collaborate? Issue-linkage and international regimes.

World Politics, 33: 347-405. Friedrich Kratochwil. Politics, norms and peaceful change: two moves to institutions.

Review of International Studies, 24: 193-218. 3: Regimes and Organizational Forms.

Ann-Marie Slaughter. Governing the global economy through government networks. In The role of law in international politics, edited by Michael Byers.

New York: Oxford University Press. Ronald Mitchell. Regime design matters: international oil pollution and treaty compliance. International Organization, 43: 425-458. Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink.

Transnational advocacy networks in international and regional politics. International Social Science Journal, 159: 89-101. Michael Barnett and Martha Finemore. The politics, power, and pathologies of international organizations. International Organization, 53: 699-732.

4: Functions of IOs: Legitimization, Norm Creation, and Sanctions. Collective legitimization as a political function of the UN. International Organization, 20: 267-279.

The development of human rights law in the United Nations, its control and monitoring machinery. International Social Science Journal, 158: 499-511. Bargaining, enforcement and multilateral sanctions: when is cooperation counterproductive? International Organization, 54: 73-102. Jarat Chopra.

The space of peace maintenance. Political Geography, 15: 335-357. 5: International Institutions and the Politics of Expertise. Rolf Lidskog and Goran Sundquist. The role of science in environmental regimes: the case of LRTAP. European Journal of International Relations, 8: 77-101.

Colasoft Capsa 7 1 Keygen Generator there. Thomas Risse-Kappen. Ideas do not float freely: trans-national coalitions, domestic structure and the end of the cold war. International Organization, 48: 185-214.

Michael Damien and Jean Christophe Graz. The World Trade Organization, the environment and the ecological critique. International Social Science Journal, 170: 597-610. Joseph Stiglitz. Democratizing the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: governance and accountability.

Governance, 16: 111-139. 6: The Challenge of Regionalism. Mansfield and Helen V. The new wave of regionalism.

International Organization, 53: 589-627. Multi-level governance and multi-level metagovernance: changes in the EU as integral moments in the transformation and reorientation of contemporary statehood. In Multi-level governance, edited by Ian Bache and Matthew Flinders. New York: Oxford University Press. Comparing common markets: a revised neo-functionalist model. International Organization, 34: 307-344.

7: Transformative Change and Global Governance. David Dessler. What is at stake in the agent structure debate? International Organization, 43: 441-474. Politics beyond the state: environmental activism and world civic politics.

World Politics, 47: 311-340. Saskia Sassen. Making the global economy run: the role of national states and private agents. International Social Science Journal, 16: 409-416. Richard Higgott. Contested globalization: the changing context and normative challenges.

Review of International Studies, 26: 131-153.