Andres Jimenez El Jibaro Disco Grafia Juan 4,1/5 6062votes

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WITH SPECIAL PAPERS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. / MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTING The report, ivith accompanying papers, of the Commission of the United States for the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid in 1892 and 1893. December 11, 1894. — Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.

Andres Jimenez El Jibaro Disco Grafia JuanAndres Jimenez El Jibaro Disco Grafia Juan

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To the Congress of the United States: 1 transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of State, inclosing the report, with accompanying papers, of the Commission of the United States for the Columbian Historical Exposition in Madrid in 1892 and 1893, constituted in virtue of the act of Congress approved May 13, 1892. Dragon Ball Z Games Free Download For Windows 7 Torrent. Grover Cleveland. Executive Mansion, Washington, December 10, 1894.

To the President: 1 submit herewith, with a view to its transmission to Congress, a communication from Prof. Brown Goode, inclosing the report, with accompanying papers, of the Commission of the United States for the Columbian Historical Exposition, held in Madrid in 1892 and 1893, con- stituted in virtue of the act of Congress approved May 13, 1892. Respectfully submitted. Download Software Penjualan Tiket Gratis. Uhl, Acting Secretary.

Department of State, Washington, December 7, 1894. 3 4 columbian historical exposition at madrid. Commission of the United States of America For the Columbian Historical Exposition in Madrid, Washington, December 5, 1894. Sir: I have the honor to submit the report of the Commission of the United States of America for the Columbian Historical Exposition in Madrid during the months of November and December, 1892, and January, 1893. The time which has elapsed since the conclusion of the Exposition has been necessarily occupied in the completion of the special reports.

This work has not been so rapidly forwarded as it would have been had not the time of most of the persons engaged upon these reports been absorbed for a considerable period by duties in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Very respectfully, G. Brown Goode, Acting Commissioner- General. The Secretary of State. History of the participation of the United States in the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, by the Commissioner General, Rear-Admiral Stephen B.

Luce, United States Navy 7-17 Report upon the Collections Exhibited at the Columbian Historical Exposition, by Commissioner Dr. Brinton 18-89 Catalogue and description of objects exhibited 91-142 Catalogue of the Display from the Department of Prehistoric Anthro- pology, United States National Museum, by Thomas Wilson, Curator. 93 Catalogue of the Ethnological Collection of the United States National Museum and the Smithsonian Institution, by Walter Hough, Assistant Curator of the Department of Ethnology 143-191 Exhibit of the United States Indian Industrial School, for the education of adult Indians, Carlisle, Pa 192 Model of the U. Ship of war Columbia, exhibited by the United States Navy Department 192 Exhibit of the United States Army Medical Museum 193 Archaeological Objects Exhibited by the Department of Archeology and Palaeontology of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 195-203 Collection of primitive Indian skulls, exhibited by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia., 205-207 Publications of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia.

209-210 Exhibit of the United States Mint 211 Exhibit of the United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing 212 Exhibit of the Post-Office Department 213 Report of William E. Curtis, Assistant to the Commissioner General, in charge of the Historical Section, Exhibit of the United States at the Colum- bian Historical Exposition, Madrid, Spain, 1892 215-271 Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures Representing Various Places Iden- tified with the Life of Columbus, exhibited by the Latin-American Department of the Columbian Universal Exposition, at Chicago 275-278 Catalogue of the Hemenway Collection in the Columbian Historical Exposi- tion at Madrid, by Dr. Walter Fewkes 279-327 Ancient Mexican Feather Work in the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, by Zelia Nuttall, Delegate of the Peabody Museum of Amer- ican Archeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass 329-337 Ancient Central and South American Pottery, in the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, in 1892, by Dr. Walter Hough 339-365 Chipped Stone Implements, in the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, in January, 1893, by H. Mercer 367-397 HISTORY OF THE PARTICIPATION OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE COLUMBIAN HISTORICAL EXPOSITION AT MADRID. By the Commissioner General, Rear-Admiral STEPHEN B.

LUCE, United States Navy. Washington, D. C, May 2, 1893. Sir: The Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid Laving- closed, and the Commissioners having completed the duty assigned to them, the Commissioner General begs leave to submit the following report: By virtue of an act of Congress approved May 13, 1S92, the President appointed a Commission to represent the United States at the Commem- orative Celebration, in Spain, of the Fourth Centenary of the Discovery of America.

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