Setelah puas mencoba sistem operasi windows 7 akhirnya saya kembali menggunakan Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope, tidak tau kenapa saya lebih cinta kepada ubuntu ini dibandingkan dengan windows 7 ini, mungkin karena bagi saya windows XP still is the best (nah lo gangerti kan maksudnya hehe.) ya udah berikut cara menghilangkan dual boot windows 7 / Vista dari windows XP • Boot komputer Anda ke dalam Windows XP. • Pastikan Windows 7 / Vista DVD anda berada pada drive yang benar atau drive virtual anda. • Klik 'Start' dan 'Run'. Download Game Jaws Unleashed For Pc Ripper. Ketik 'e: boot bootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force ' (tanpa tanda kutip, dan e: sesuaikan dengan nama drive yang sedang anda gunakan). • Restart komputer, dan Anda akan melihat menu boot pilihan sudah tidak ada. • Format partisi / drive di mana Anda telah terinstal Vista.
• Hapus dua file (Boot.BAK & Bootsect.BAK) di XP drive's root folder (C:), ini adalah cadangan file Anda (bootloader), sekarang tidak lagi berguna. • Opsional: Restart untuk memastikan masih berfungsi.
Dan sekarang anda telah kembali ke komputer Anda yang sebelumnya negara, tanpa Windows 7 / Vista dan tanpa bootloader dual boot. Jika seseorang memiliki masalah apapun, silahkan posting di komentar dan saya akan mencoba untuk mengatasinya. Daftar Mirror Repository Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (OpenIXP) 1. Deb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse 2. Deb jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse 3. Deb jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse 4. Deb jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse 5.
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Deb jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse (OpenIXP) 1. Deb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse 2. Deb jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse 3. Deb jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse 4. Deb jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse 5. Deb jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse 1. Deb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse 2.
Deb jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse 3. Deb jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse 4. Deb jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse 5.
Deb jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse (OpenIXP) 1. Download Bluetooth Drivers For Samsung Rv510. Deb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse 2. Deb jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse 3. Deb jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse 4. Deb jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse 5.
Deb jaunty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse mirror UNEJ 1. Deb jaunty main restricted multiverse universe Cara Pemakaian:D: 1. Buka terminal Applications>>Accessories>>Terminal. Karena keseringan gonta-ganti sistem Operasi mulai dari jendela dan berbagai macam linux makanya pusing klo install program lagi apalagi di ubuntu, untuk itu biar gak lupa mending tulis aja di blog. LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql dan PHP ) merupakan program pokok di kompi ku, jadi mau pake jendela maupun linux tetep aja install server dulu soalnya tuntutan profesi,hehehe.!! Langsung aja dech daripada kelamaan, pertama kita install server apache dulu caranya bisa lewat terminal ataupun lewat synaptic,tapi kali ini lewat terminal aja y. Buka terminal lewat Applications >Accessories >Terminal atau bisa tekan Alt+F2 terus ketikan gnome-terminal.
Install apache.
About webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. It has a wide range of features suitable for many businesses particularly distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing. When combined with a 3rd party interactive desktop it can also form the hub of a dispersed multi-branch retail management system. A fully integrated is also available as a 3rd party add-on. WebERP is as an open-source application and is available as a free download to use with all the PHP code written in an accessible way for you to add your own features as needed. User Base There are thousands of downloads every month. The extraordinary growth of webERP adoption has been entirely through word of mouth testimony - there has never been a marketing or advertising push to 'sell' webERP.
Of course there are no funds nor commercial incentive to do so for free software. This growth is built on reputation and solid practical functionality that works as tried and tested by an increasing number of businesses. There are 33 different language translations available all included in the archive with users all over the world. Latest news The latest release is 4.14.1 was released 26th June 2017. This has some new functionality including email of customer statements, new reports and finer control of user access rights in GL. Also the fix of an old and difficult to pin down GL posting bug that had occassionally caused the GL to go out of balance and required a repost to fix - good job Exson! There are also new translations to Korean, Hebrew and Syrian Arabic.
Guiding Principles webERP has been designed and developed with very specific goals in mind. These goals have consistently underpinned development since its inception: • Fast, web-based, integrated 'best practise' business administration software. • 'Low footprint' efficient and fast, with absolutely minimal network traffic • Platform Independence with no reliance on any propriety technologies • Scripts easily readable and modifiable by a business. Accounting in the Cloud The concept of 'cloud computing' where the application can live anywhere on the internet or local network and be delivered to the business through 'the cloud' has become THE buzz-word 'du jour' and the benefits are now widely understood. 'Cloud computing' has been a reality for webERP adopters since 2003!! This demonstrates just how far ahead of it's time it was when first released.
WebERP adopters have enjoyed the benefits of browser based ERP with fast access from anywhere, anytime and saved the significant costs of server purchase, maintenance and administration for many years already!