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Is a data mining tool for the database of photography. Is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of. All thumbnail images come directly from, none are stored on. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web.
If you are a user and use Stats you may have seen people being led to your photos via (as a Referrer). Flickr requires that I inform you that Flickr Hive Mind uses the Flickr API, but is neither endorsed nor certified by them. There are literally hundreds of other web tools built around the Flickr API, see for a bunch of examples. If you are unhappy with your photos' presence on this site, you can (a) make your photos private for yourself, friends, and family. These settings will be instantly honored by Flickr Hive Mind and all other API-driven applications. (b) Hide your photos globally from text and tag searches on 3rd party sites that use the Flickr API, via your preference settings on Flickr.
See the privacy tab at:. To also remove yourself from searches for specific user names, you will need to set your Flickr profile to be hidden from searches. Flickr has finally, this is much easier to do now and is the preferred method - it will shut down all API driven sites.
Google has a bad habit of keeping out-of-date links and thumbnails in their search results, I can try to help you remove them. (c) Finally, you can Banish Yourself From Flickr Hive Mind. Download Internet Speed Meter Lite Apk there. To banish yourself from Flickr Hive Mind, you must first authenticate to Flickr, which lets Flickr Hive Mind identify who you are.
This is necessary to make sure you are the user in question, and also because people use such crazy characters in their Flickr user names. You can revoke access when finished. Once logged in, come back to this area and there will be a link to banish you. If there are any problems email me at nosflickrhivemind. (a few people with weird characters in their user names may have had problems). Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); photography groups; users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Explore algorithm for interestingness.
Mugen Jason Voorhees Download Firefox. Can also be an effective tool to identify photography with licenses that allow non-commercial (and sometimes) commercial use. Inspired by (and thanks to).
Dedicated to and her Flickritis. Many thanks to for his lightbox2 image viewer. If you find your login does not work, perhaps your browser has disabled the cookies that I use to track if you are logged in or not. Try telling your browser to accept them. Stores no personal information nor photos, but some general time and IP address information ends up in my apache server logs. For additional details see the. Any revenue generated through advertisement on this site is used only to cover the cost of keeping the site online, beyond that (also, there are no ads on User pages).
Is currently consuming about 13.6 terabytes of network bandwidth per year (not including the photos themselves)!
Rekorde: Neuseeland gegen Argentinien Claim number: 15678,, Open Class Gliders, Distance using up to 3 turn points, Omarama (New Zealand), 2499.2 km, Terrence Delore (New Zealand), ASH 25 Mi ---------------------------- Claim number: 15679,, Open Class Gliders, Distance using up to 3 turn points, Chapelco S Martin (AR), 2511.1 km, Klaus OHLMANN (Germany), Nimbus 4 DM [] Claim number: 15680,, Speed over an out-and-return course of 1 500 km, Chapelco S Martin (AR), 198.31 km/h, Klaus OHLMANN (Germany), Nimbus 4 DM Quelle: Christian (DD). Max Bachmann deceased 'On last Friday Max Bachmann, member of many years in the executive committee and honour member of the Swiss Gliding Association died at a cancerous tumor. Max was engaged intensively over a long time on national and international level for gliding concerns. He found also many friends in the IGC community during his engagement as IGC-delegate of Switzerland. We lose not only a good friend, but also an untiring fighter around important interests in the gliding community.'
Quelle: H.L.T. Videos: Gliding - Junior Worlds 2009 [] 77170 views After two fun weeks in Finland, during the Junior World Gliding Championships 2009, we got some nice shots. As a crew member of the Norwegian Team, I had a lot of time walk around with my video camera. I had a great time, together with the Norwegian team and many others. Also have a look at the great official JWGC video, made by my German friend Hubi: To all the people I had the chance to meet these weeks, thank you.
Best regards, Geir Hypoxia. Quelle: Tobias Stramma.